Tips mencukur daerah kemaluan wanita

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Merawat Vagina

Vagina punya mekanisme pembersihan sendiri dengan mengandalkan koloni bakteri normal yang menjaga keseimbangan mikroorganisme di dalam dan di sekitarnya. Keseimbangan bisa terganggu kalau pemiliknya jorok.

Penggunaan celana basah atau celana dalam terlalu ketat, misalnya, dapat mengganggu keseimbangan itu. Dalam keadaan tertentu, perawatan vagina tidak cukup hanya membersihkan bagian luar. Bagian dalam pun perlu dikuras.

Ada beberapa cara yang biasa dilakukan dalam merawat organ reproduksi wanita. Cairan pembersih khusus digunakan dengan cara menyemprotkannya ke dalam vagina. Berisi bahan aktif yang mampu melumpuhkan bakteri, kuman, serta jamur.

1. Bilas dengan cairan pembersih
Cairan pembersih khusus digunakan dengan cara menyemprotkannya ke dalam vagina. Berisi bahan aktif yang mampu melumpuhkan bakteri, kuman, serta jamur. Cairan ini bisa digunakan dalam beberapa menit.

Penggunaannya harus dengan pengawasan dokter. Karena itu, selain cairan pembilas, obatan untuk mengatasi gangguan yang ada juga akan diberikan. Tidak semua gangguan bisa diselesaikan dengan cairan ini. Paling hanya dapat mengatasi keputihan.ladi, tidak akan mampu mengatasi penyakit kelamin, apalagi penyakit menular cekcual (PMS).

2. Sinar Laser
Laser diperlukan karena penggunaan obat pembunuh kuman di vagina biasanya butuh waktu lama, apalagi kalau terjadi resistensi obat. Laser yang digunakan biasanya jenis level rendah atau low level laser therapy. Formulasi dari sinar inframerah clan ultra violet ini mampu membersihkan bakteri, jamur, dan virus dalam waktu relatif cepat.

Untuk gangguan ringan, penembakan biasanya dilakukan selama 15 menit sekali.'Bila gangguan sudah berat, butuh puluhan menit dengan beberapa kali tembakan dalam beberapa hari. Obat juga kerap diberikan oleh dokter setelah penembakan laser.

3. Terapi ozon
Dr., Mulyadi Tedjapranata, MD, dari Klinik Medizone, menyebutkan bahwa metode penggunaan terapi ozon ini layaknya menggunakan cairan pembersih. Dengan alat yang disebut vaginal insufflations, ozon dimasukkan ke organ kewanitaan dengan dosis sesuai kasus.

"Prinsipnya ozon ini berfungsi sebagai disinfektan yang bisa membunuh kuman. Tujuannya untuk mencegah masuknya kuman penyebab penyakit," ujarnya. Dengan periode waktu tertentu pula (tergantung kasus), ozon diperlukan agar kebersihan vagina terjaga.

Agar pengobatan efektif, biasanya terapi ini dikombinasi dengan obat-obatan. Namun, ozon tidak bisa digunakan untuk mengatasi penyakit seksual atau PMS. Dan yang jelas, terapi ini harus dilakukan oleh dokter yang ahli dalam hal ini. Jika tidak digunakan secara tepat, memasukkan ozon ke organ kewanitaan hanya akan menyebabkan berkembangbiaknya bakteri yang malah merugikan vagina.

4. Penguapan hangat
Dalam ritus perawatan tubuh secara tradisional, penguapan hangat biasa digunakan untuk vagina. Meski begitu, penguapan jelas tidak efektif membunuh mikroorganisme.

Penguapan ini menggunakan ramuan wewangian sehingga mengharumkan vagina, selain menghangatkan. Karena itu, selayaknya cara ini dilakukan seperti kita menggunakan parfum badan. Tidak ada alasan selain alasan kosmetik. Meski penguapan disebut sebagai salah satu cara merawat vagina, langkah ini bukan untuk mencegah penyakit, apalagi menghilangkan gangguan.

5. Gurah vagina
Meski tak sedikit yang tertarik mencobanya, gurah vagina masih diragukan efektivitasnya. Apalagi yang menanganinya jelas-jelas bukan dokter. Tindakan ini bisa membuat semua mikrooganisme yang merugikan maupun yang normal akan mati clan hilang dari vagina. Akibatnya, vagina justru berisiko terganggu.

6. Spa vagina
Ini metode perawatan alat reproduksi wanita yang menggabungkan berbagai terapi kuno. Ada teknik pengasapan atau penguapan. Ada juga teknik pijat akupresur pada seluruh tubuh dan terutama vagina. Ada juga meditasi gerak atau semacam kegel khusus untuk vagina.

Beberapa terapi tersebut cukup aman. "Terapi spa sebenarnya umum digunakan dalam perawatan kesehatan, hanya kali ini. khusus diterapkan untuk bagian vagina saja," ungkap Hj. Worro Harry Soeharman, M.Ph, MKA, penggagas terapi V-spa.

7. Kuras vagina
Ini adalah pengontrolan dan pembersihan vagina sampai ke mulut serta rongga rahim. Langkah ini menjadi tindakan awal agar jamur atau kuman tidak merembet ke rongga rahim atau saluran telur, yang bisa mengakibatkan kemandulan atau infeksi yang bisa memicu kanker.

Wanita yang menderita keputihan hendaknya tidak menunda pengobatan. Supaya tidak repot, penderita bisa mendatangi klinik semacam Klinik Pasutri atau Pusat Pelayanan Keluarga yang memberi pelayanan, mulai dari wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan laboratorium, serta membersihkan vagina sampai ke rongga rahim hingga pengobatannya tuntas.

Caranya, ujung vagina sampai rongga rahim diteropong dengan speculum. Dengan alat penjepit kain kasa (gaas) yang terlebih dulu direndam dalam betadin ini, tindakan "kuras" dilakukan.

Tidak perlu takut, karena tindakan ini sederhana dan ticlak menyiksa. Usai hasil laboratorium diketahui, dokter akan memberikan obat yang tepat. Bisa berupa obat minum atau tablet yang dimasukkan ke lubang vagina. Setelah tiga bulan, pasien diharapkan kembali untuk cek ulang.

Keputihan acap kali kambuh bila tidak diobati secara tuntas. Mengobati daerah sekitar vagina saja belum cukup, sebaiknya sampai ke dalam. Para ibu yang menghadapi masalah dengan pasangan sehubungan kasus ini bisa sekalian berkonsultasi. 0 abd

Ganti Celana 2-3 kali
Derajat keasaman vagina menurut Dr. Boy Abidin, Sp.OG, antara 7,1-7,3. Untuk menjaga kesehatan vagina, perempuan setidaknya memahami beberapa hal ini:

* Sesering mungkin mengganti pembalut, ferutama saat menstruasi. Darah yang keluar bisa menjadi media tumbuhnya kuman.
* Sesudah berhubungan seks, bagian luar vagina sebaiknya selalu dibersihkan. "Tentu tidak dengan sabun biasa," kata Boy. Sebaiknya gunakan sabun pembersih khusus vagina. Jika perlu, gunakan cairan pembersih vagina bila memang ada infeksi di daerah kemaluan.
* Saat membersihkan vagina, bilas dari arch depan ke belakang. Hal ini untuk menghindari terbawanya kuman dari anus ke vagina. Lebih baik air untuk membersihkan langsung ditadah dari keran biasa atau dengan keran semprot. Air yang terkumpul di ember atau bak mandi bisa saja terkontaminasi air kencing orang lain, spora, jamur, atau kuman.
* Bila menggunakan kertas tisu, Anda harus hati-hati. Lendir dan air memang terserap, tetapi hendaknya diingat bahwa tidak semua tisu terjamin kualitasnya. Tisu yang terbuat dari serbuk kayu ada yang tercemar jamur kalau proses pembuatannya kurang baik.
* Jaga organ intim agar tidak lembab setelah buang air kecil atau buang air besar. Bilas vagina sampai bersih, kemudian keringkan sebelum memakai celana dalam. Usahakan agar daerah kemaluan dan selangkangan selalu kering lebih-lebih bagi yang bertubuh gemuk. Suasana lembab sangat disukai jamur.
* Gantilah celana dalam sekurang-kurangnya dua sampai tiga kali sehari.
* Sebaiknya tidak mengenakan celana terlalu ketat, berbahan nilon, jins, dan kulit. Pakai celana dalam berbahan katun yang menyerap keringat. Panty liner sebaiknya hanya digunakan antara 2-3 jam.
* Jangan biarkan celana basah atau lembab karena memberi peluang tumbuhnya jamur.
* Bagi wanita yang pernah melahirkan dan berhubungan seks, setidaknya lakukan pap smear sekali setahun. Untuk mereka yang sudah menopause, lakukan 2-3 tahun sekali.
* Jaga berat badan normal. Jangan sampai kegemukan karena menyebabkan vagina tertutup lipatan lemak sehingga lembab.
* Jaga kesehatan tubuh secara umum dengan mengasup makanan bergizi seimbang.
* Lakukanlah hubungan seksual hanya dengan satu orang. Sering berganti pasangan seks akan menambah kemungkinan terinfeksi. I abd

Menurut Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha, Sp.OG, ada dua jenis keputihan.
1. Fisiologi, dengan ciri:
- Tidak gatal, tidak berbau.
- Lendir berwarna bening.
- Terjadi hanya pada masa subur (wanita usia 20-40-an).
- Terjadi menjelang haid.
- Terjadi saat hamil karena terkait dengan faktor hormonal. Terjadi sehabis berhubungan seks.
- Karena stres, kelelahan, celana dalam terlalu ketat.

2. Patologis, dengan ciri:
- Keluar lendir berlebihan disertai infeksi.
- Gatal, pedih, vagina kemerahan.
- Lendir berubah warna.

Sumber: Senior

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Daftar Makanan Wajib Dikonsumsi Setiap Hari

Makan merupakan kebutuhan pokok agar kita bisa bertahan hidup. Pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah, apakah makanan yang kita konsumsi selama ini tercukupi kebutuhan gizinya? Belum tentu. Kenapa tidak sekalian saja memastikan dengan konsumsi jenis makanan tertentu kita juga dapat memperoleh manfaat menguatkan tulang, meningkatkan kekebalan, melawan kanker dan lain-lain?

Yuk, kita intip sejumlah makanan yang memberi manfaat ekstra dan sungguh dibutuhkan tubuh sehingga Anda harus makan secara teratur setiap harinya:
1. Yogurt
Manfaat ekstra

Melawan kanker, menguatkan tulang, meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
Kenapa harus minum yogurt? Karena selama fermentasi menjadi susu asam banyak bakteri baik atau probiotik yang tumbuh subur di yogurt. Probiotik ini berffungsi mengusir patogen atau bakteri jahat di permukaan ususu, meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan melindungi tubuh dari serangan kanker.
Tapi tidak semua yogurt memang mengandung probiotik, makanya pastikan baca labelnya tertulis 'mengandung kultur yang hidup dan aktif' agar manfaatnya dapat dirasakan tubuh. Minum satu botol sudah cukup.
Menu pengganti
Kefir atau yogurt kedelai

2. Tomat
Manfaat ekstra

Melawan kanker, kesehatan jantung, meningkatkan kekebalan
Kenapa harus makan tomat? Warnanya yang merah menggoda mengandung banyak likopen yang kaya antioksidan. Makan tomat yang sudah diproses juga sama besar manfaatnya dengan mengonsumsi tomat mentah karena tubuh akan lebih mudah menyerap likopen.

Sejumlah studi menunjukkan bahwa makanan yang kaya likopen dapat menurunkan risiko penyakit kandung kemih, paru-paru, kanker prostat, kanker kulit serta kanker lambung, juga menurunkan risiko penumpukan plak di pembuluh darah. Coba konsumsi 22 mg likopen per hari (sekitar 8 tomat ukuran kecil) atau segelas jus tomat.
Menu pengganti
Semangka merah, anggur merah, pepaya dan jambu.

3. Wortel
Manfaat ekstra

Melawan kanker. meningkatkan kekebalan, mendongkrak tajam penglihatan
Sebagian besar buah atau sayuran berwarna kuning, merah atau oranye kaya dengan karotenoid, yaitu senyawa larut lemak yang dihubungkan dengan kemampuan mengurangi risiko penyakit kanker, juga mengurangi kondisi pembengkakan hebat seperti asma dan rheumatoid arthritis. Konsumsi tomat setengah cangkir per hari.
Menu pengganti
Kentang manis, labu, mangga, paprika

4. Blueberi
Manfaat ekstra

Merangsang kerja otak, melawan kanker, kesehatan jantung, mendongkrak imunitas
Kenapa harus makan blueneri? Karena buah ini kaya antioksidan, blueberi dipercaya dapat mencegah kanker, diabetes dan daya ingat dikaitkan dengan makin bertambahnya usia. Studi menunjukkan bahwa blueberi, yang kaya serat dan vitamin A dan C, mendongkrak kesehatan jantung. Makanlah secangkir blueberi segar per hari atau setengah cangkir blueberi kering.
Menu pengganti
Anggur ungu, stroberi, prem

5. Kedelai hitam
Manfaat ekstra

Pertumbuhan otot, merangsang kerja otak, kesehatan jantung
Semua kedelai bagus bagi kesehatan jantung, namun tidak ada yang dapat meningkatkan daya ingat secanggih kedelai hitam. Kenapa? Karena kedelai hitam kaya antosianin, sebuah senyawa antioksidan yang telah terbukti memperbaiki fungsi otak. Setengah cangkir kedelai hitam mengandung 8 gram protein dan 7,5 gram serat, rendah kalori serta bebas asam lemak jenuh.
Menu pengganti
Lentil, ginjal, fava, kacang kapri

6. Kenari
Manfaat ekstra

Pertumbuhan otot, merangsang daya kerja otak, melawan kanker, kesehatan jantung, mendongkrak imunitas
Kenari ternyata lebih kaya asam lemak omega 3 dibandingkan salmon, juga penuh dengan zat anti peradangan karena mengandung polifenol ketimbang anggur merah, dan kaya protein untuk menguatkan otot dibandingkan protein yang dikandung ayam. Kenari memang kaya manfaat. Makanlah kenari sekitar satu ons atau tujuh biji, baik dalam bentuk murni atau sudah berbentuk makanan ringan.
Menu pengganti
Almond, kacang, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts

7. Gandum
Manfaat ekstra

Pertumbuhan otot, merangsang otak, kesehatan jantung
Selain kaya manfaat, gandum juga mengandung serat tinggi yang larut air yang berfungsi menurunkan risiko serangan jantung. gandum juga kaya karbohidrat, namun pelepasan gulanya diperlambat dengan adanya serat. Karena gandum juga mengandung 10 gram protein untuk setengah cangkirnya, maka juga dapat membangun otot.
Menu pengganti
Nasi dan sumber karbohidrat lainnya

8. Bayam
Manfaat ekstra

Meningkatkan gairah seksual, pertumbuhan otot, kesehatan jantung, memperkuat tulang, meningkatkan tajam penglihatan
Mungkin dia hanyalah sayuran berwarna hijau, namun bayam dipercaya berkhasiat meningkatkan keperkasaan laki-laki. Bayam dapat membangun otot bisep karena kaya asam lemak omega 3 dan folat, yang membantu menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung, stroke, dan osteoporosis.
Sebagai bonusnya, folat juga meningkatkan aliran darah ke penis. Bayam kaya lutein, sebuah senyawa yang elawan degenerasi makula pada mata. Konsumsi secangkir bayam mentah atau setengah cangkir bayam masak setiap harinya.
Menu pengganti
Kale, bokcoy, selada.


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An Overview of Sexual Dysfunction

What is sexual dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem during any phase of the sexual response cycle that prevents the individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. The sexual response cycle includes excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution.

While research suggests that sexual dysfunction is common (43 percent of women and 31 percent of men report some degree of difficulty), it is a topic that many people are hesitant to discuss. Fortunately, most cases of sexual dysfunction are treatable, so it is important to share your concerns with your partner and health care provider.

What are the types of sexual dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction generally is classified into four categories:
* Desire disorders The lack of sexual desire or interest in sex
* Arousal disorders The inability to become physically aroused during sexual activity
* Orgasm disorders The delay or absence of orgasm (climax)
* Pain disorders Pain during intercourse (This condition mostly affects women.)

Who is affected by sexual dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction is more common in the early adult years, with the majority of people seeking help during their late 20s and early 30s. Sexual dysfunction also is common in the geriatric population, which may be related to a decline in health associated with aging.

What are the symptoms of sexual dysfunction?
In men:
* Inability to achieve an erection or maintain and erection suitable for intercourse (erectile dysfunction)
* Delayed or absence of ejaculation despite adequate sexual stimulation
* Inability to control the timing of ejaculation (premature or retarded ejaculation)

In women:
* Inability to relax the vaginal muscles enough to allow intercourse
* Inadequate vaginal lubrication before and during intercourse
* Inability to achieve orgasm

In men and women:
* Lack of interest in or desire for sex
* Inability to become aroused
* Pain with intercourse

What causes sexual dysfunction?
Causes of sexual dysfunction include:
Physical causes Many physical and/or medical conditions can cause problems with sexual function. These conditions include diabetes, heart and vascular (blood vessel) disease, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure, and alcoholism and drug abuse. In addition, the side effects of some medications, including some antidepressants drugs, can affect sexual function.

Psychological causes These include work-related stress and anxiety, concern about sexual performance, marital or relationship problems, depression, feelings of guilt, and the effects of a past sexual trauma.

How is sexual dysfunction diagnosed?
The doctor likely will begin with a complete physical and history of symptoms. He or she may order diagnostic tests to rule out any medical problems that may be contributing to the dysfunction. An evaluation of the person's attitudes regarding sex, as well as other possible contributing factors (fear, anxiety, past sexual trauma/abuse, relationship problems, alcohol or drug abuse, etc.) will help the doctor understand the underlying cause of the problem and make recommendations for appropriate treatment.

How is sexual dysfunction treated?
Most types of sexual dysfunction can be corrected by treated the underlying physical or psychological problems. Other treatment strategies include:

Medication Men and women with hormone deficiencies may benefit from hormone shots, pills or creams. For men, drugs including sildenafil (Viagra) may help improve sexual function by increasing blood flow to the penis.

Mechanical aids Aids such as vacuum devices and penile implants may help men with erectile dysfunction (the inability to achieve or maintain an erection).

Behavioral treatments These involve various techniques, such as self-stimulation, to treat problems with arousal and/or orgasm.

Psychotherapy Therapy with a trained counselor can help a person address feelings of anxiety, fear or guilt as well as poor body image that may have an impact on sexual function.

Education and communication Education about sex, and sexual behaviors and responses may help an individual overcome his or her anxieties about sexual function. Open dialogue with your partner about your needs and concerns also helps to overcome many barriers to a healthy sex life.

Can sexual dysfunction be cured?
The success of treatment for sexual dysfunction depends on the underlying cause of the problem. The outlook is good for dysfunction that is related to a treatable or reversible physical condition. Mild dysfunction that is related to stress, fear or anxiety often can be successfully treated with counseling, education and improved communication between partners.


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Disorders of the Penis

The penis is one of the external structures of the male reproductive system. The penis has three parts: the root, which attaches to the wall of the abdomen; the body, or shaft; and the glans penis, which is the cone-shaped end (head). The opening of the urethra, the tube that transports semen and urine, is at the tip of the glans penis.

The body of the penis is cylindrical in shape and consists of three internal chambers. These chambers are made up of special, sponge-like erectile tissue. This tissue contains thousands of large caverns that fill with blood when the man is sexually aroused. As the penis fills with blood, it becomes rigid and erect, which allows for penetration during sexual intercourse. The skin of the penis is loose and elastic to accommodate changes in penis size during an erection.

Semen, which contains sperm (the male reproductive cells), is expelled through the end of the penis when the man reaches sexual climax (orgasm). Disorders of the penis can affect a man's sexual functioning and fertility.

What disorders affect the penis?
Some disorders that affect the penis include the following:

Priapism is a persistent, often painful erection that can last from several hours to a few days. The priapism erection is not associated with sexual activity and is not relieved by orgasm. It occurs when blood flows into the penis but is not adequately drained. Common causes of priapism include:
* Alcohol or drug abuse (especially cocaine)
* Certain medications, including some antidepressants and blood pressure medications
* Spinal cord problems
* Injury to the genitals
* Anesthesia
* Penile injection therapy (a treatment for erectile dysfunction)
* Blood diseases, including leukemia and sickle cell anemia

Treatment for priapism is important, because a prolonged erection can scar the penis if not treated. The goal of treatment is to relieve the erection and preserve penile function. In most cases, treatment involves draining the blood using a needle placed in the side of the penis. Medications that help shrink blood vessels, which decreases blood flow to the penis, also may be used. In rare cases, surgery may be required to avoid permanent damage to the penis. If the condition is due to sickle cell disease, a blood transfusion may be necessary. Treating any underlying medical condition or substance abuse problem is important to preventing priapism.

Peyronie's disease
Peyronie's disease is a condition in which a plaque, or hard lump, forms on the penis. The plaque may develop on the upper (more common) or lower side of the penis, in the layers that contain erectile tissue. The plaque often begins as a localized area of irritation and swelling (inflammation), and can develop into a hardened scar. The scarring reduces the elasticity of the penis in the area affected.

Peyronie's disease often occurs in a mild form that heals without treatment in six to 15 months. In these cases, the problem does not progress past the inflammation phase. In severe cases, the disease can last for years. The hardened plaque reduces flexibility, causing pain and forcing the penis to bend or arc during erection.

In addition to the bending of the penis, Peyronie's disease can cause general pain as well as painful erections. It also can cause emotional distress, and affect a man's desire and ability to function during sex.

The exact cause of Peyronie's disease is unknown. Cases that develop quickly, last a short time and go away without treatment most often are due to a trauma (hitting or bending) that causes bleeding inside the penis. Some cases of Peyronie's disease, however, develop slowly and are severe enough to require surgical treatment. Other possible causes of Peyronie's disease include:
* Vasculitis This is an inflammation of blood or lymphatic vessels. This inflammation can lead to the formation of scar tissue.
* Connective tissue disorders According to the National Institutes of Health, about 30 percent of men with Peyronie's disease also develop disorders that affect the connective tissue in other parts of their bodies. These disorders generally cause a thickening or hardening of the connective tissue. Connective tissue is specialized tissue such as cartilage, bone and skin that acts to support other body tissues.
* Heredity Some studies suggest that a man who has a relative with Peyronie's disease is at greater risk for developing the disease himself.

Because the plaque of Peyronie's disease often shrinks or disappears without treatment, most doctors suggest waiting one to two years or longer before attempting to correct it with surgery. In many cases, surgery produces positive results. But because complications can occur, and because many of the problems associated with Peyronie's disease (for example, shortening of the penis) are not corrected by surgery, most doctors prefer to perform surgery only on men with curvatures so severe that sexual intercourse is impossible.

There are two surgical techniques used to treat Peyronie's disease. One method involves the removal of the plaque followed by placement of a patch of skin or artificial material (skin graft). With the second technique, the surgeon removes or pinches the tissue from the side of the penis opposite the plaque, which cancels out the bending effect. The first method can involve partial loss of erectile function, especially rigidity. The second method, known as the Nesbit procedure, causes a shortening of the erect penis.

A non-surgical treatment for Peyronie's disease involves injecting medication directly into the plaque in an attempt to soften the affected tissue, decrease the pain and correct the curvature of the penis. Penile implants can be used in cases where Peyronie's disease has affected the man's ability to achieve or maintain an erection.

Balanitis is an inflammation of the skin covering the head of the penis. A similar condition, balanoposthitis, refers to inflammation of the head and the foreskin. Symptoms of balanitis include redness or swelling, itching, rash, pain and a foul-smelling discharge.

Balanitis most often occurs in men and boys who have not been circumcised (had their foreskin surgically removed), and who have poor hygiene. Inflammation can occur if the sensitive skin under the foreskin is not washed regularly, allowing sweat, debris, dead skin and bacteria to collect under the foreskin and cause irritation. The presence of tight foreskin may make it difficult to keep this area clean and can lead to irritation by a foul-smelling substance (smegma) that can accumulate under the foreskin.

Other causes may include:
* Dermatitis/allergy Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, often caused by an irritating substance or a contact allergy. Sensitivity to chemicals in certain products such as soaps, detergents, perfumes and spermicides can cause an allergic reaction, including irritation, itching and a rash.
* Infection Infection with the yeast candida albicans (thrush) can result in an itchy, spotty rash. Certain sexually transmitted diseases including gonorrhea, herpes and syphilis can produce symptoms of balanitis.

In addition, men with diabetes are at greater risk for balanitis. Glucose (sugar) in the urine that is trapped under the foreskin serves as a breeding ground for bacteria.

Persistent inflammation of the penis head and foreskin can result in scarring, which can cause a tightening of the foreskin (phimosis) and a narrowing of the urethra (tube that drains urine from the bladder). Inflammation also can lead to swelling of the foreskin, which can cause injury to the penis.

Treatment for balanitis depends on the underlying cause. If there is an infection, treatment will include an appropriate antibiotic or antifungal medication. In cases of severe or persistent inflammation, a circumcision may be recommended.

Taking appropriate hygiene measures can help prevent future bouts of balanitis. In addition, it is important to avoid strong soaps or chemicals, especially those known to cause a skin reaction.

Phimosis and paraphimosis
Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin of the penis is so tight that it cannot be pulled back (retracted) to reveal the head of the penis. Paraphimosis occurs when the foreskin, once retracted, cannot return to its original location.

Phimosis, which is seen most often in children, may be present at birth. It also can be caused by an infection, or by scar tissue that formed as a result of injury or chronic inflammation. Another cause of phimosis is balanitis, which leads to scarring and tightness of the foreskin. Immediate medical attention is necessary if the condition makes urination difficult or impossible.

Paraphimosis is a medical emergency that can cause serious complications if not treated. Paraphimosis may occur after an erection or sexual activity, or as the result of injury to the head of the penis. With paraphimosis, the foreskin becomes stuck behind the ridge of the head of the penis. If this condition is prolonged, it can cause pain and swelling, and impair blood flow to the penis. In extreme cases, the lack of blood flow can result in the death of tissue (gangrene), and amputation of the penis may be necessary.

Treatment of phimosis may include gentle, manual stretching of the foreskin over a period of time. Sometimes, the foreskin can be loosened with medication applied to the penis. Circumcision, the surgical removal of the foreskin, often is used to treat phimosis. Another surgical procedure, called preputioplasty, involves separating the foreskin from the glans. This procedure preserves the foreskin and is less traumatic than circumcision.

Treatment of paraphimosis focuses on reducing the swelling of the glans and foreskin. Applying ice may help reduce swelling, as may applying pressure to the glans to force out blood and fluid. If these measures fail to reduce swelling and allow the foreskin to return to its normal position, an injection of medication to help drain the penis may be necessary. In severe cases, a surgeon may make small cuts in the foreskin to release it. Circumcision also may be used as a treatment for paraphimosis.

Penile cancer
A rare form of cancer, penile cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the penis divide and grow uncontrolled. Certain benign (non-cancerous) tumors may progress and become cancer.

The exact cause of penile cancer is not known, but there are certain risk factors for the disease. A risk factor is anything that increases a person's chance of getting a disease. The risk factors for cancer of the penis may include the following:
* Circumcision Men who are not circumcised at birth have a higher risk for getting cancer of the penis.
* Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection HPVs are a group of more than 70 types of viruses that can cause warts (papillomas). Certain types of HPVs can infect the reproductive organs and the anal area. These types of HPVs are passed from one person to another during sexual contact.
* Smoking Smoking exposes the body to many cancer-causing chemicals that affect more than the lungs.
* Smegma Oily secretions from the skin can accumulate under the foreskin of the penis. The result is a thick, bad-smelling substance called smegma. If the penis is not cleaned thoroughly, the presence of smegma can cause irritation and inflammation.
* Phimosis This is a condition in which the foreskin becomes constricted and difficult to retract.
* Treatment for psoriasis The skin disease psoriasis is sometimes treated with a combination of medication and exposure to ultraviolet light.
* Age Most cases of penile cancer occur in men over age 50.

Symptoms of penile cancer include growths or sores on the penis, abnormal discharge from the penis and bleeding. Surgery to remove the cancer is the most common treatment for penile cancer. A doctor may take out the cancer using one of the following operations:
* Wide local excision takes out only the cancer and some normal tissue on either side.
* Microsurgery is an operation that removes the cancer and as little normal tissue as possible. During this surgery, the doctor uses a microscope to look at the cancerous area to make sure all the cancer cells are removed.
* Laser surgery uses a narrow beam of light to remove cancer cells.
* Circumcision is an operation that removes the foreskin.
* Amputation of the penis (penectomy) is an operation that removes the penis. It is the most common and most effective treatment of cancer of the penis. In a partial penectomy, part of the penis is removed. In a total penectomy, the whole penis is removed. Lymph nodes in the groin may be taken out during surgery.

Radiation, which uses high-energy rays to attack cancer, and chemotherapy, which uses drugs to kill cancer, are other treatment options.


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Alcohol - Myths and Facts

This page corrects common alcohol and drinking myths, with research based facts and statistics.

Myth: Alcohol destroys brain cells.
Fact: The moderate consumption of alcohol does not destroy brain cells. In fact it is often associated with improved cognitive (mental) functioning.

Myth: White wine is a good choice for a person who wants a light drink with less alcohol.
Fact: A glass of white or red wine, a bottle of beer, and a shot of whiskey or other distilled spirits all contain equivalent amounts of alcohol and are they same to a Breathalyzer. A standard drink is:
* A 12-ounce bottle or can of regular beer
* A 5-ounce glass of wine
* A one and 1/2 ounce of 80 proof distilled spirits (either straight or in a mixed drink).

Myth: A "beer belly" is caused by drinking beer.
Fact: A "beer belly" is caused by eating too much food. No beer or other alcohol beverage is necessary.

Myth: Switching between beer, wine and spirits will lead to intoxication more quickly than sticking to one type of alcohol beverage.
Fact: The level of blood alcohol content (BAC) is what determines sobriety or intoxication. Remember that a standard drink of beer, wine, or spirits contain equivalent amounts of alcohol. Alcohol is alcohol and a drink is a drink.

Myth: Drinking coffee will help a drunk person sober up.
Fact: Only time can sober up a person...not black coffee, cold showers, exercise, or any other common "cures." Alcohol leaves the body of virtually everyone at a constant rate of about .015 percent of blood alcohol content (BAC) per hour. Thus, a person with a BAC of .015 would be completely sober in an hour while a person with a BAC of ten times that (.15) would require 10 hours to become completely sober. This is true regardless of sex, age, weight, and similar factors.

Myth: Drinking long enough will cause a person to become alcoholic.
Fact: There is simply no scientific basis for this misperception, which appears to have its origin in temperance and prohibitionist ideology.

Myth: Drinking alcohol causes weight gain.
Fact: This is a very commonly believed myth, even among medical professionals, because alcohol has caloric value. However, extensive research around the world has found alcohol consumption be does not cause weight gain in men and is often associated with a small weight loss in women.

Myth: Alcohol stunts the growth of children and retards their development.
Fact: Scientific medical research does not support this old temperance scare tactic promoted by the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Anti-Saloon League, the Prohibition Party, and similar groups.

Myth: Binge drinking is an epidemic problem on college campuses.
Fact: Binge drinking is clinically and commonly viewed as a period of extended intoxication lasting at least several days during which time the binger drops out of usual life activities. Few university students engage in such bingeing behavior. However, a number sometimes consume at least four drinks in day (or at least five for men). Although many of these young people may never even become intoxicated, they are branded as binge drinkers by some researchers. This practice deceptively inflates the number of apparent binge drinkers. In reality, the proportion of college students who drink continues to decline, as does the percentage of those who drink heavily.

Myth: Men and women of the same height and weight can drink the same.
Fact: Women are affected more rapidly because they tend to have a slightly higher proportion of fat to lean muscle tissue, thus concentrating alcohol a little more easily in their lower percentage of body water. They also have less of an enzyme (dehydrogenase) that metabolizes or breaks down alcohol, 9 and hormonal changes during their menstrual cycle might also affect alcohol absorption to some degree. 10

Myth: A single sip of alcohol by a pregnant woman can cause her child to have fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
Fact: Extensive medical research studying hundreds of thousands of women from around the world fails to find scientific evidence that light drinking, much less a sip of alcohol by an expectant mother, can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. Of course, the very safest choice would be to abstain during the period of gestation.

Myth: People who abstain from alcohol are "alcohol-free".
Fact: Every person produces alcohol normally in the body 24 hours each and every day from birth until death. Therefore, we always have alcohol in our bodies. 11

Myth: Alcohol abuse is an increasing problem among young people.
Fact: Heavy alcohol use among people in the US 17 years of age or younger actually dropped by an amazing two-thirds (65.9 percent) between 1985 and 1997, according to federal government research. 12 The proportion of young people who consumed any alcohol within the previous month dropped from 50% to 19% in about the same period. 13 Other federally funded research also documents the continuing decline in both drinking and drinking abuse among young people. 14 Similarly, alcohol-related traffic injuries and fatalities among young people continue to drop. Deaths associated with young drinking drivers aged 16 to 24 decreased almost half (47%) in a recent 15-year period.

Myth: People in the US are generally heavy consumers of alcohol.
Fact: The US isn't even among the top ten alcohol consuming countries. Top 10 Alcohol Consuming Countries on per capita Basis Country / Consumption in Gallons of absolute or pure alcohol: At a consumption rate of only 1.74 per person, the US falls far down at 32nd on the list. 16

Myth: The US has very lenient underage drinking laws.
Fact: The US has the most strict youth drinking laws in the Western world, including the highest minimum drinking age in the entire world. 17 And this is buttressed by a public policy

Myth: Alcohol advertising increases drinking problems.
Fact: Hundreds of scientific research studies around the world have clearly demonstrated that alcohol advertising does not lead to increases in drinking abuse or drinking problems. Alcohol advertising continues because effective ads can increase a brand's share of the total market.

Myth: Bottles of tequila contain a worm.
Fact: There is no worm in tequila. It's in mescal, a spirit beverage distilled from a different plant. And it's not actually a worm, but a butterfly caterpillar (Hipopta Agavis) called a gurano. 19

Myth: People who can "hold their liquor" are to be envied.
Fact: People who can drink heavily without becoming intoxicated have probably developed a tolerance for alcohol, which can indicate the onset of dependency. 20

Myth: Many lives would be saved if everyone abstained from alcohol.
Fact: Some lives would be saved from accidents now caused by intoxication and from health problems caused by alcohol abuse. However, many other lives would be lost from increases in coronary heart disease. For example, estimates from 13 studies suggest that as many as 135,884 additional deaths would occur each year in the US from coronary heart disease alone because of abstinence.

Myth: Drunkenness and alcoholism are the same thing.
Fact: Many non-alcoholics on occasion become intoxicated or drunk. However, if they are not addicted to alcohol, they are not alcoholic. Of course, intoxication is never completely safe or risk-free and should be avoided. It is better either to abstain or to drink in moderation. While consuming alcohol sensibly is associated with better health and longer life, the abuse of alcohol is associated with many undesirable health outcomes.

Myth: Alcohol is the cause of alcoholism.
Fact: As a governmental alcohol agency has explained, "Alcohol no more causes alcoholism than sugar causes diabetes." The agency points out that if alcohol caused alcoholism then all drinkers would be alcoholics. 22 In fact, a belief common among members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is that people are born alcoholic and are not caused to be alcoholic by alcohol or anything in their experience. They argue that many people are born and die alcoholic without ever having had a sip of alcohol. Of course, a person can't be a drinking or practicing alcoholic without alcohol.

Myth: If alcohol were less available there would be fewer alcoholics.
Fact: This is an idea that has been tested through prohibition in the US and a number of other countries. There is no association between the availability of alcohol and alcoholism.

Myth: College life leads to drinking by most students who enter as abstainers.
Fact: According to Federal statistics, most students arrive at college with prior drinking experience and te proportion of drinkers doesn't increase greatly during college.

Myth: Although not totally incorrect, but certainly not the whole truth, is the assertion that the younger children are when they have their first drink the more likely they are to experience drinking problems.
Fact: Generally speaking, people who on their own begin drinking either much earlier or much later than their peers begin are more likely to experience subsequent drinking problems. 27 This appears to result from the fact that either behavior tends to reflect a tendency to be deviant. Therefore, delaying the age of first drink would not influence the incidence of drinking problems because it would not change the underlying predisposition to be deviant and to experience drinking problems. 28 And, of course, children who are taught moderation by their parents are less likely to abuse alcohol or have drinking problems.

Prohibition problems
Unfortunately, prohibition leads to a number of alcohol and other problems such as death and disability from contaminated illegal alcohol, the growth of organized crime, an increase in heavy drinking when alcohol can be obtained, a serious loss of tax revenue, the discouragement of moderation in consumption, a widespread disrespect for the law, and many other social ills.

Even if it were somehow possible to prohibit the consumption of alcohol, people who have emotional or psychological problems and need a "crutch" would simply turn to the abuse of other, frequently illegal, substances.


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